Everybody knows that the best climbers are squirrels all around the world.
Some of them can be seen in almost every country in the world; there is approximately 300 types of squirrels in the contemporary world and the one place where these animals have not been identified as living is the Antarctica.
In this article we will discuss on the most common types of squirrels.
- Oriental Giant Squirrels
- Neotropical Pygmy Squirrels
- Tree Squirrels
- True Flying Squirrels
- Beautiful Squirrels
- Palm Squirrels
- Spiny Squirrels
- Protoxerini Squirrels
- Ground Squirrels
- Chipmunks
- Marmots and Prairie Dogs
- True Ground Squirrels
1. Oriental Giant Squirrels

Scientific name (genus): Ratufa
These squirrels are unique to Southeast Asia, and their name is fitting given how much larger they are than other squirrel species. The Indian giant squirrel can grow to about two feet in length, however they all frequently transcend a foot in length (not including the tail).
As a result, they are the biggest squirrel species. Usually located in woodlands, giant squirrels hardly ever approach human dwellings. Such animals are tree dwelling just as all other squirrels and They pass most of their lives up trees.
2. Neotropical Pygmy Squirrels
Scientific name: Sciurillus pusillus
They eat tree bark there and are readily startled. They make a cricket-like call to warn other squirrels and flee at the first sign of danger.
In South America, these squirrels hardly ever reach a length of 4 inches, in contrast to Oriental giant squirrels.
Sea also: Squirrel Poop Vs Rat Poop(6 best Differences)
3. Tree Squirrels

Scientific name (tribe): Sciurini
Only a few representatives of this tribe are distributed in Europe and Asia, and the greater number occurs in North and South America. The most prevalent of those squirrels are, in fact, tree squirrels, which are native to North America. They have a long, bushy tail that.HTML Development05052004144643Page 49The raccoon is identified by its long, bushy tail.
Tree squirrels are active mostly in trees and are called so because they lay their nests in trees and prefer tree platforms, rather than burrows. The major part of their diet is comprised with nuts and seeds and they are significantly smaller than ground squirrels.
While they are not normal hunters most of the time they will feed on insects and frogs only once in awhile if the situation is right.
4. True Flying Squirrels

Scientific name (tribe): Pteromyini
It is a common misperception that these types of squirrels can fly, despite their name suggesting otherwise. Due to unique skin adaptations that extend from the front to the back legs, these creatures can glide with ease. As a result, they may alter their course while in the air and land anywhere they choose.
Birds can fly up, but flying squirrels cannot. These flying squirrels are still able to jump and glide distances up to 300 feet before coming to ground.
Fruits, seeds, nuts and also some insects and, like tree squirrels, they pass most of their time in trees. Their tail is not as big as that of tree squirrel species, but their “wings” make them quite recognizable.
5. Beautiful Squirrels

Scientific name (tribe): Callosciurini
The majority of this tribe’s species are found in Asia, where they grow to higher sizes, albeit they are not nearly as huge as Oriental giant squirrels. Some species can reach lengths of 11 inches and acquire a multicolored coat; in this group, orange and black is a common combination.
Most attractive squirrels spend their whole day in the trees, making them arboreal. They consume nuts and seeds there, and because they disperse seeds across the forest, they are beneficial to the local flora.
6. Palm Squirrels
Scientific name (genus): Funambulus
Some species from this genus have been imported to Australia, although their range is quite small compared to Asia. In Asia, they are especially common in India and Sri Lanka.
The name comes from the fact that they are frequently spotted on palm trees there. Their stripes, which often extend from the back of their neck to their tail, make them instantly identifiable.
In India, people frequently defend these types of squirrels species because they are revered.
7. Spiny Squirrels

Scientific name (tribe): Xerini
Both Africa and Asia are home to spiny squirrels, which are typically found in grasslands and woods. They often dig into the ground rather than nestling in trees. They spend the night hiding in their burrows because they are not nocturnal creatures.
In Africa, these types of squirrels species frequently establish communities, in contrast to many others. Given that male squirrels are often more competitive than females, this seems strange. But because of this, it is harder for predators to prey on them.
8. Protoxerini Squirrels
Scientific name (tribe): Protoxerini
This tribe’s 30 squirrel species are all native to Africa. They are both terrestrial and arboreal animals, depending on the habitat and time of day, and their official maximum length is approximately 10 inches, depending on the species.
Although they do not considered as a pest, it is not uncommon to find them around plantations. As with most of the other species of squirrels, they feed mainly on berries and nuts; however, they are quite regular hunters. Examples include Termites, Ants, and caterpillars for instance.
9. Ground Squirrels

Scientific name (tribe): Marmotini
In reality, marmots are members of a distinct subtribe, despite their scientific name.
Although they can climb trees, ground squirrels are primarily known for their terrestrial nature; they only sprint for the trees when they are escaping from predators. Instead, they spend the majority of their time in fields and grassy places.
Some of these types of squirrels have maximum length of 18 inches which makes them more likely to act as predators because they might overpower rats and mice.
10. Chipmunks
Scientific name (genera): Tamias, Eutamias, Neotamias
While their relatives can be found in most parts of Eurasia, the Siberian chipmunk contrasts to the rule that the most chipmunks dwell in North America. Chipmunks are similar to real squirrels but they have one disadvantage: they have no bushy tail.
In addition to being significantly bigger than chipmunks, tree squirrels are stripedless. Although they have a short tail and stripes, which distinguish them from ground squirrels, they differ in that they do not have stripes on their heads.
On the other hand, in terms of feeding and behavior, these types of squirrels species in the USA are fairly close to real squirrels.
11. Marmots and Prairie Dogs
Scientific name (genera): Marmota & Cynomys
North America and Eurasia have large squirrel called marmots. The head and body can grow to be 24 inches long, and the tail is 6 inches hence making them be up to 30 inches long and this is a lot of weight for a squirrel which can weigh over 20 pounds.
They have to dig to den during the entire winter due to their size and mass making them considerably less capable climbers than tree squirrels.
They eat grasses, berries, and roots, and they hardly ever eat seeds or nuts like most squirrels do.
Despite being exclusive to North America, prairie dogs bear a striking resemblance to marmots. They construct underground complexes with real colonies and intricate hierarchies, making them even more sophisticated burrowers.
12. True Ground Squirrels
Scientific name (tribe): Spermophilina
These types of squirrels typically inhabit grasslands, open fields, and arid regions, where they build their nests underground. They form colonies like prairie dog colonies.
They are, nevertheless, lighter and considerably neater than the modern bears – besides, they are considerably smaller.
The most recognizable member of this tribe is the thirteen-lined ground squirrel that can be easily distinguished by thirteen dorsal stripes. The ground squirrel overwinter and is inactive throughout the winter and emerges in the spring.
The fact is that squirrels are a very diverse group of animals, although it may seem quite the opposite to some people. Some of these are families are burrowing families while there are some families that are good climbers and there are families that are capable of flying through the air.
But one thing is true regardless of where they live: But what many people are averse to hearing is that even species such as the squirrels are very important in the ecology. Besides aiding in the distribution of plant seeds, they act as crucial food supply for so many predators especially birds.