gorilla vs grizzly bears

Gorilla Vs Grizzly Bear(13 Best Differences & Strength Facts)

As primates, gorillas belong to the same family as humans(Hominidae). Among the world’s largest apex predators are grizzly bears.

There’s no way these two mammals would cross paths in the wild, but if they did, who would prevail in a fight?

The strength of gorillas is between four and nine times that of humans. Gorillas are weaker than grizzly bears, though, especially the larger ones. In addition to having longer fangs, grizzlies are more ferocious apex predators. Gorillas are more likely to lose a battle because of their more submissive nature, despite having a stronger bite.

A brief summary of the strength and factual differences between gorilla vs grizzly bears is provided in the table below:

We compared the physical attributes and strength features of all gorilla species to those of the mature male silverback gorilla. These numbers represent averages and may differ among species.

The highest speed for each species was taken into account when calculating the strike forces, which were then multiplied by the lightest and lowest weight in the range.

Gorilla Vs. Grizzly Bear: 13 Differences

1. Classification 

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Despite having similar colors and sizes, gorilla vs grizzly bear are two totally different kinds of mammals.

Great apes, gorillas belong to the Hominidae family. In the order of primates, humans are members of the same family.

Grizzly bears belong to the Ursidae family and are a subspecies of brown bear (Ursus arctos). Bears of this family, which include polar and black bears, are members of the Carnivora order.

The Gorilla genus comprises two species: the western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) and the eastern or mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei). Gryphon bears are actually a subspecies of brown bears.

2. Body Size

Gorilla vs grizzly bear are members of distinct orders and families, and their sizes can vary greatly.

With the exception of polar bears, who only live in areas close to the arctic, grizzly bears are the largest bears in continental North America.

Bears native to the Kodiak islands are smaller than grizzlies, but they are nonetheless separated from other bears.

In particular, grizzlies have a maximum length of eight feet and a shoulder height of three to five feet. The largest of the two gorilla species, the mountain gorilla stands six feet tall, or almost the same height as a taller man.

Grizzlies are shorter than gorillas in general when they are on all fours. But when standing on their hind legs, some of the biggest grizzlies can reach a height of around two feet more.

3. Weight 

gorilla vs grizzly bear

Grizzly bears are larger than gorillas, but they also weigh more.

Depending on the species, adult male silverback gorillas often weigh between 310 and 500 pounds. Though they were marginally heavier, some of the heaviest silverbacks ever captured in the wild weighed hardly more than 600 pounds.

The heaviest gorilla ever measured in captivity weighed an incredible 860 pounds, but even so, it was lighter than some of the heaviest grizzly bears.

In actuality, grizzlies typically weigh between 200 and 720 pounds. Larger guys, meanwhile, had little trouble lifting 1,700 pounds.

4. Teeth Size

2 thoughts on “Gorilla Vs Grizzly Bear(13 Best Differences & Strength Facts)”

  1. Pingback: Gorilla Vs Hippo Who Would Win A Fight? (9 Best Facts) - Wildlifeboss.info

  2. Pingback: Polar Bear Vs Grizzly Bear (Who Would Win A Fight?) - Wildlifeboss.info

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