Crocodile, which is a powerful and dangerous predator, is a topic to many questions that arise in people, one of which is about the speed of crocodile’s swimming. It is quite an interesting question because crocodiles are associated in most cases with strength and, in some cases, hostility. They are found mainly by the water sources and with erected tail and elongated body, they seem to be designed to swim. But in how many times per second are they truly moving, and realistically can they ever reach the pace of a man?
Crocodiles are unique because they’re built to thrive in two different worlds: water and land. From water, they are very mobile and swift, can chase their prey constraining the freedom of its movements. But on land they display different movements, they accelerate at shorter periods as compared to swimming.
In this post, we’re going to try to figure out how fast crocodile swim, compare a swimming speed of this reptile with its speed on the land and, finally will try to understand could a human have a chance to outrun or outswim a crocodile. Let’s get into it!
How Quick Is a Crocodile’s Speed?
Contrary to most people’s expectations, crocodiles are very fast in water. A predator can swim to a speed of 15 to 25 miles per hour in water but rarely sustained throughout the session. That’s way faster than the average human swimmer, whose top speed does not exceed one and a half to two miles per hour.
This assured speed and makes the crocodiles paramount hunting animals whenever they are in the water. They use short bursts of speed in an attempt to take down their prey from out of their expected routines. What with their long quarters and slim silhouette, they are able to advance with great force through the water hence they can approach fish, birds, and even big animals without any one noticing them.
Well, as far as swimming goes, crocodiles are completely at home and are way more muscular and quicker than any swimmer.
Sea also: Do Crocodiles Feel Pain? Best Explanation (With Photos)
Are Crocodiles Faster Than Humans in Water?
The short answer? Yes, they’re a lot faster!
Indeed, it is impossible for a human being to swim to match the rates of a typical crocodile in the water body. As we are gliding along at about 2 mph on the average (Source 1]), the crocodile swim at speeds of about 15 – 25 mph(Source 2). That’s a huge difference!
That’s why these animals are so much faster – it’s all in their body shape. Crocodiles have incredibly muscular tails which end like a paddle – this is due to which it is able to move explosively. In addition, their bodies are shaped as thin, smooth tubes, which allows their subjects manoeuvre in water with negligible friction. The two put them a position where they are dominant in water especially in instances they need to swim fast in order to get their prey.
And if you are in a swimming race, and there is a crocodile right behind you, you just have to cross your fingers and pray you don’t have to swim the last lap!
How Much Can a Crocodile Actually Run?
As far as the issue of speed is concerned some of the crocodile species are real champions especially the saltwater crocodile; powerful and swift in water. These crocs have been measured to attain speeds of as much as twenty five miles per hour for short distances! Yea that’s pretty interesting and to think that’s a big animal like that one they caught in the video.
But crocodiles do not swim throughout at full speed most of the time. Like with most of the animals, they only move that fast when they are hunting for food, or when they are escaping from a predator. They do this most of the times, and instead of driving at high speeds which they keep changing, they maintain a very low speed. In this way, having a rather slow and constant clelandone they don’t get tired and can almost swim for hours.
Crocodile Speed on Land vs Water
Crocodiles, like being agile, fast swimmers but they are very slow once they are on the land. In the water they can travel with great acceleration; they have been clocked at 25mp/h for short distances. This is where they are most comfortable, where they are just using the tails to power them forward and move at rapid speed.
It is, however, totally different when it comes to move on land. Crocodiles can only move at about 7 to 10 mph, and this is under rare circumstances as well. It has a kind of high walk or a rapid fast trot, but getting tired easily The equine has a gallop known as the high walk. That’s why they are not accustomed to performing long run on the ground; instead, they are capable of a short dash, and most of the times, they have to take time to relax. As excellent as they may be at short bursts in water; they are relatively slow and clumsy when walking on the sane.
Can You Outrun a Crocodile?
Yes, Over Distance!
Indeed, crocodile swim are fast, but for a short time, and hence, after a certain distance, any average man can easily outrun a crocodile. On land, a croc can run a few moments at 7 to 10 miles an hour on an average. They’re heavy animals, and due to the mass, which creates fatigue, they get fatigued very quickly. Therefore if you are far from the rest of the group there is no one to chase you down.
Myth-Busting: Do Crocs Really Chase Humans?
The first myth that people get to learn is that the crocodiles will run after anyone on the land. In fact they are likely to save their steam for actual threats or prey only and thus can be seen more often recharging. For a larger amount of food usually lying close to the water, crocodiles do not give a long chase but a short swift rush. So, while it’s wise to steer clear, it won’t be stalking you like some movie cliche croc for very long.
Are Crocodiles Faster Than Alligators?
In terms of speed, crocodile swim usually faster than alligators With this in mind, there is something that you need to know about the two animals. With regard to the swimming rates, it is well known that crocodile swim and run faster than alligators; in water they can even swim at the speed up to 25 mph while alligators in the best circumstances can achieve no more than 20 mph.
What Makes Them Different?
There is nothing as speed lovers but it is now clear that the difference lies in the body sizes and acts of the animals. In general shape crocodiles are let longer and more streamlined, and of course some types of fish have much faster pectoral fins meaning their body is also much more streamlined and thus they will move through the water much easier. Alligators however are bulkier and bigger hence a little more sluggish.
Habitat Matters
Morphology of their habitats also influences their mode of locomotion and hunting strategies. Saltwater is tend to be more favorited by crocodiles, in contrast, alligators are common in freshwater surroundings. This difference affects their ability to hunt and travel in their communities. Therefore, if for some reason they do decide to speed up, then; well, crocodiles are generally faster, aren’t they?
Factors Affecting Crocodile Swimming Speed

Size and Weight
Size and weight has been found to be one of the largest contributors to the efficiency by which a crocodile swim. As a rule, big crocodiles are slower long distance runners because of their weight and consequently use more energy in movement. But there are moments when they are able to demonstrate certain acceleration in a short amount of time if necessary!
Habitat Conditions
This is also true with where crocodiles dwell so that they can swim best. Those in freshwater may have different behavior than those that are in salty water regions. Every habitat can concern how they move and hunt since they modify according to the environment’s conditions that surrounds them.
Prey and Hunting Behavior
In this episode, as we have seen, crocodiles’ speed is more or less about finding their next meal. When hunting, they depend on the sudden movement to be able to catch what they are following. This means they can go full speed when the mood takes them, and all the other times, it is pretty leisurely, if not lazy. Therefore, their swimming speed can be influenced by what they are in search of, of course!
Changes that promotes efficient swimming
Anatomical Adaptations
He ads that crocodiles have some cool adaptations that make it easier for them to swim. The long tails are favourites of theirs, they use them like paddles to crocodile swim with so much fluidity. Webbed feet are also present in crocodiles which give them solidity and also makes them to incline steadily. Also, they are slim shaped in their body form, so they can move without much of friction.
Behavioral Adaptations
When hunting for a prey, crocodiles are fast beasts; that are indicated in the speed at which they move. They employ a kind of locomotion known as ‘burst swimming’ to propel themselves when the action only lasts for a few seconds of fast, untidy swimming. This quick dash is useful in foreign their prey, and therefore adding advantage in catching a meal.
These adaptations not only allow crocodiles to be excellent swimmers but also help them improve on their attack styles. They are swift swimmers hence they can easily chase their prey and prove how professional hunters they are.
Crocodile Swimming Behavior
Natural Movements
Crocodiles also have one or two interesting methods of locomotion especially in water. They will generally move quietly, and they make their body to move up and down by whipping their tails behind them. When they have to go all out they can and do accelerate and dart towards their prey to mince it down. They are also able to turn while water borne and as such, will be well adapted to the swamps and rivers so far as inter group mobility is concerned.
Hunting and Predatory Tactics
Crocodiles are Heelers and rely on a very sly procedure referred to as ambush while hunting. They like to wait for prey just under the water then they suddenly attack. Because of the agility, they can quickly dive and get their pray either a fish, bird, or even an impendent big animal seeking for water. This has made them be very efficient predators wherever their habitats are, the water bodies.
Overall, crocodiles can move their powerful tail back and forth, demonstrating their ability to swim quickly. Crocodile swim speed between 15 and 25 miles per hour in water. On the ground, they are capable of running at a speed of 7-10 miles per hour but as, with any other gorgeously-endowed mammal, they easily get winded thereby affording humans a golden opportunity to outdistance them provided the chase lengthens to an all-night long marathon.
Well, let me tell you that, although crocs are fast swimmers, we don’t have to run for our lives to escape them on the shore. Thinking about how these early giants developed into such decisive triggers, so well adapted to their environments do astound. The force of nature cannot be denied and the crocodiles taken in its might that has shaped the world we exist in, though it may not seem so at first glance with this fun evolution of nature’s might that acts as a game.
Frequently Ask Question(FAQs)
1. What is the crocodile’s swimming speed?
It is really amazing but crocodiles can swim really fast. On average, they can run as fast as at a speed of 15 to 25 miles per hour in water. This speed is essential to enable them capture their prey within the shortest time possible. They are designed for making them not only some of the fastest animals in the water but also excellent swimmers.
2. Are crocodiles faster than humans in water?
Absolutely! To this I will add the fact that crocodiles are much faster than humans in water. Crocodiles, who feed on us, can swim faster than most human beings, this versatility is attributed to their powerful tails and athletic looking bodies. Thus, if ever you find yourself near one, it is advisable not to swim in the water!
3. Can humans outrun crocodiles on land?
Indeed, people can actually run faster than crocodiles on steep ground! Of course, crocodiles can run quite fast, at the rate of approximately 7 to 10 miles per hour but such speed can only be sustained for a short distance. If you cannot see any water or if you are outside water, there are almost no chances that somebody will chase you.
4. Who made crocodile swim so fast?
Crocodiles have listed and explained the following physical characteristics that enable them to swim fast. The long tails them are strong swimmers The four webbed toes give it direction. Their slim shaped bodies have characteristics that enables them to minimize drag and crocodile swim in a very smooth manner. They are also great swimmers as these features make them perfect animals to swim around!’
5. How do crocodiles hunt their prey?
Crocodiles are very selective and mainly use ambush hunting technique to get their prey. These most of the time dwell just beneath the water and wait for the opportune time to attack. When they notice their prey, they employ their speed to charge a short burst successfully catching their prey. This explains there hunting modals the ability to hunt in water making them very effective predator.