Tigers are big, powerful creatures.The largest cat species remaining in existence is this one. The fact that tigers can jump very high and weigh up to 660 pounds adds to their impressiveness.
Tigers jump sixteen to twenty feet into the air! Large tigers have been seen jumping 20 feet vertically in several movies. The species and its jumping technique determine the precise height.
How High Can Tigers Jump In Captivity?
Tigers jump high and are fast cats. Tigers in captivity can typically jump 12 to 15 feet in the air, but they rarely do so this high.
Although rare, a tigers jump high to attack a person riding an elephant in a widely shared video.
Because they are put in situations where they must jump, tigers in the wild are able to jump higher. The average height of these massive creatures standing on four legs is between 2.6 and 3.6 feet.
On the other hand, tigers can readily outstretched people while they are upright on two legs. The average tiger, standing on its hind legs, is nine feet tall, however this varies by species.
The largest tiger that could not be independently verified weighed 846 pounds and 9 ounces. According to Russian naturalist Vyacheslav Sysoyev, a Siberian tiger was shot and killed in the Sikhote Alin Gory Mountains. But due to overhunting, it’s uncommon to encounter tigers this big these days.
Between 3,726 and 5,578 tigers are found in the wild, while approximately 8,000 are kept in captivity. The number of tigers in the wild is growing, despite their endangered status.
sea also: Lion Vs Tiger: 12 Differences & Strength Facts
How High Can Different Tiger Subspecies Jump?
The ability for jumping varies depending on the type of tiger. Both their hunting habits and the strength and size of their legs will determine this. Three tigers are extinct, and there are only nine different species.
To find out how far each tigers jump, continue reading.
Bengal Tigers

The most prevalent tiger is the Bengal tiger, which is native to India. They range in weight from 244 to 500 lbs.
When searching for food, these powerful and massive tigers leap and jump. Although they have reported heights of up to 18 feet, scientists are unsure of how high they can jump.
Siberian Tigers

Unfortunately, between 350 and 450 Siberian tigers are still living in the wild. Their dense fur, particularly around the neck, keeps them warm in the cold.
Siberian tigers jump have the amazing ability to leap up to sixteen feet into the air.
Sumatran Tigers

The smallest tiger subspecies is the Sumatran tiger, sometimes referred to as the Sunda tiger. There are less than 400 tigers remaining in the wild, making them very endangered.
They are the smallest subspecies of tigers, although this tigers jump 27 feet horizontally and 16 feet upward.
What Makes A Tigers Jump So High?
The large, muscular hind legs of tigers are used for pushing themselves forward and make incredible leaps. Tigers are extremely strong and have longer hind legs than front legs.
Flexibility is only one aspect of jumping; the other is force and power, which originate from the rear legs.
Tigers possess more than just powerful legs; they can swipe with up to 10,000 pounds of force and bite with about 1,000 pounds of force. They can kill their prey with just one bite to the neck!
Even though female tigers are smaller than males, they are nonetheless very muscular and weigh about 360 pounds. Interestingly, tigers only have a body fat percentage of 7.7%.
Although tigers are powerful creatures, they can also run rapidly and gracefully! Although tigers aren’t as swift as lions or cheetahs, they can still go at up to 35 to 40 miles per hour, so don’t be fooled.
Are Tigers Great Climbers?
Tigers are excellent climbers, in case you were unaware. Even while they can climb trees rather well, we hardly ever witness adults doing so. This is due to the fact that as they age, their body weight grows, making them heavier as they ascend.
However, when they are a few months old, tiger cubs use their sharp claws to cling to trees as they rush up them. To feel comfortable, these cubs scale trees. They can hide from dangers and predators and eat and sleep safely in trees.
How Does A Tigers Jump Compare To Other Big Cats?
Although a tigers jump is remarkable, how does it stack up against other large felines? The highest jumpers aren’t tigers. Given its size, the caracal wild cat deserves that title.
Caracal Wild Cats

Despite weighing only 18 to 42 pounds, caracal wild cats may leap up to 10 feet straight into the air in order to capture a bird.
Its strong speed and agility allow it to defeat creatures two to three times their own size. Although they are much larger, some tigers jump up to 20 feet.
African Lions

Despite their strength, African lions are surprisingly able to jump farther in both vertical and horizontal directions. The average African lion’s vertical and horizontal leaps are 12 and 36 feet, respectively.
Although they are indigenous to India and Africa, they are exclusively found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Leopards are strong jumpers, just like tigers.
They are able to jump up to 10 feet and 20 feet into the air. In the snow, snow leopards move quickly. They search for food for up to 25 km every day without becoming fatigued.
How do they accomplish this? It turns out that snow leopards can jump up to fifty feet.

Although their running prowess is their most well-known attribute, cheetahs are also excellent jumpers.
A cheetah can typically jump 20 feet high and 32.5 square feet in a single horizontal leap. They can also run between 35 and 40 mph in brief spurts.

At last, bobcats are medium-sized felines with powerful legs. Compared to domestic cats, they are only marginally bigger.
Because of their exceptional climbing skills, these medium-sized cats have been seen to leap over 6-foot fences without tiring. There have been reports of bobcats jumping ten feet into the air.
Sea also: Do Bobcats Have Tails? Best Explanation
Although they don’t have the world’s highest jumping ability, tigers are still very amazing. Tigers jump up to 16-20 feet in the air thanks to their large, powerful hind legs.
Tigers can run quickly and climb very well in addition to having a good jumping ability.