A tiny family of striped rodents native to Siberia and the Americas is known as the chipmunks.
Out of the 25 species that are now living, only one is not native to the Americas. With only little differences in size, color, and patterning, all creatures are similar with the animals like chipmunks in appearance.
Nonetheless, the public’s interest has been captured by films and animated series that highlight these little animals. Most people think it’s cute that chipmunks stuff food into their cheek pouches. These creatures are small and have large eyes.
This, of course, does not mean that they are good pets. Chipmunks are not domesticable. Moreover, a few of governments forbid maintaining them.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for cute rodents, there are a lot of species that resemble with animals like chipmunks. Some people just have physical similarities, whereas others share a significant amount of genetic similarities.
The animals like chipmunk is classified as follows by the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS):
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Subkingdom: Bilateria
- Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Subphylum: Vertebrata
- Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
- Superclass: Tetrapoda
- Class: Mammalia
- Subclass: Theria
- Infraclass: Eutheria
- Order: Rodentia
- Suborder: Sciuromorpha
- Family: Sciuridae
- subfamily: Xerinae
- Tribe: Marmotini
- Genus: Tamias
1. Tree Squirrels

Scientific Name (family): Sciuridae
Why Tree Squirrels Are Like Chipmunks: There are many behavioral and physical similarities between tree squirrels and chipmunks, despite the fact that they are members of the same family and reside in different trees.
Over one hundred species of rodents inhabit trees and go by the name “tree squirrels,” or just “squirrels.” They all look very much the same.
The size and color of the creatures in this area are comparable, such as chipmunks and tree squirrels. Conversely, squirrels lack or have clearly pronounced back stripes.
However, almost all squirrels share a chipmunk’s white underbelly. Moreover, squirrel variety is fairly high. In actuality, a few squirrels are orange and black.
The Prevost’s squirrel is among the largest, growing to a maximum length of one foot and a weight of almost one pound on average. That is around half the typical size of a squirrel.
Squirrels may be distinguished from the animals like chipmunks by their long, fluffy tails. Even while many squirrels maintain their tails curled up above their bodies, when they are stretched, their tails usually surpass the length of their bodies.
The majority of squirrels live in trees. They eat mostly nuts and seeds as well, which they burrow or store in a single repository.
2. Ground Squirrels

Scientific Name (tribe): Marmotini
Why Ground Squirrels Are Like Chipmunks: Since ground squirrels and chipmunks are in the same group, they are the most closely related animals that may be found.
Ground squirrels are a broad group of animals that are mostly native to the Americas. These include groundhogs, sometimes referred to as woodchucks, chipmunks, prairie dogs, and marmots.
Most ground squirrels seem more like prairie dogs or marmots than a chipmunk. There are noticeable physical parallels, though.
Some ground squirrel species, such as the Xerini, are endemic to Asia and Africa and have resemblance to squirrels with short tails. But almost all other species have shorter necks and tails and are stockier than the animals like chipmunks.
Otherwise, there’s a big difference in size. The little ones are less than half a pound. The heaviest marmots are giants, which may weigh up to 24 pounds.
All ground squirrels burrow and spend their whole lives below earth, while some, like the unstriped ground squirrel, live wholly alone. Even the creatures that reside in colonies, which may house over 20 species, are not particularly gregarious.
3. Flying Squirrels

Scientific Name (tribe): Pteromyini
Why Flying Squirrels Are Like Chipmunks: There are many similarities between flying squirrels and chipmunks, such as comparable anatomy and striped patterns.
Flying squirrels are a distinct species of squirrel, with flaps between their ribcage and front and rear legs. Thanks to skin flaps, this group of fifty different species may easily glide from tree to tree.
Unlike chipmunks, flying squirrels have long tails that aid in stability and steering when in flight.
The majority of flying squirrel species are native to Asia, with three species occurring in North America and one in Siberia.
Like other squirrel species, they vary significantly in size and appearance. For example, Hodgson’s enormous flying squirrel has the potential to reach a length of almost two feet and a weight of up to four pounds.
On the other hand, the Humboldt’s flying squirrel typically grows to a maximum size of 5 inches and a maximum weight of 3 ounces.
Some species of flying squirrels bear a striking resemblance with animals like chipmunks, but they are distinguished by their long tails and glide-like flaps. Some could pay closer attention to ocelots or mongooses. Still, most of them have a striking resemblance to the traditional “squirrel”.
4. Gopher

Scientific Name (family): Geomyidae
Why Gophers Like Are Chipmunks: While having similar builds and cheek pouches, gophers and chipmunks are not frequently confused for one another.
Gophers are a diverse genus of burrowing rodents that resemble animals like chipmunks on the surface.
This area is home to gophers, who usually use their rear legs to stand and interact with one another. Additionally, gophers’ primary means of storing food and nest-building materials are their cheek pouches.
Unlike chipmunks, gophers are striped less. Instead, they are frequently a uniform shade of brown, gray, or tan. While gophers and chipmunks also burrow, gophers are better suited for this activity due to their flatter feet.
Furthermore, unlike animals like chipmunks, gophers are almost always considered pests due to their tendency to dig and form new colonies.
Gophers are usually connected in landowners’ perceptions with damaged gardens and laws, albeit not quite as much as moles.
5. Skunk

Scientific Name (family): Mephitidae
Why Skunks Are The Animals Like Chipmunks: These creatures resemble chipmunks in appearance; all they have in common is a distinctive striped pattern.
Skunks are the only creatures on this list that don’t resemble with the animals like chipmunks at all. There are several superficial parallels between them despite the color differences, such very similar patterns.
Like chipmunks, skunks use their patterns to identify potential mates and conceal themselves from potential predators.
Skunks need far larger homes than other animals, such as chipmunks, even if they dig as well. It’s also more likely that you’ll see a lone skunk than a bunch since they don’t often live in groups.
Other than that, skunks and chipmunks are very unlike. Since skunks are omnivores, they will undoubtedly consume small animals if they are available.
But most skunks also eat berries, nuts, and mushrooms to supplement their diet of earthworms, snakes, and lizards.
6. Beavers

Scientific Name (genus): Castor
Why Beavers Are Like Chipmunks: Animals like chipmunks and beavers are similar in size, food, and appearance, despite being among the largest rodents.
Beavers are large rodents that are native to the Northern Hemisphere, specifically Asia and North America.
Their social behaviors and body shapes are all comparable to those of animals like chipmunks. But with their different colors, much larger bodies, and long, flat tails, you would never mistake one for the other.
They are still quite similar to one other. However, beavers build “lodges” or dams that they use for both solitary and group habitation.
Beavers are also very aquatic animals; they spend the most of their lives in the water and would rather swim than burrow. Beavers are uniformly brown in color and have no marks on them. Many’s feet and tails are darker.
Furthermore, compared to creatures like chipmunks, both existing species are substantially larger, weighing an average of 40–70 pounds and a maximum of about 100 pounds.
7. Dormice

Scientific Name (family): Gliridae
Why Dormice Are The Animals Like Chipmunks: Among the power resource “squirrel-like subtribe, the dormouse is the smallest family of rodents and may look like a miniature chipmunk.”
Dormice are little rodents belonging to the squirrel suborder. Each of the 29 species that are spread over the globe has notable variations in size and appearance.
They live mostly in trees and have short to medium-length tails, however they may burrow. They also usually have fluffy tails like squirrels.
Compared to other squirrels, dormice are more prone to eat insects and reptiles. As a result, they more closely resemble mice and could do well in areas with less trees and colder temperatures.
Dormice weigh little more than six ounces on average, and their tails are often between two and eight inches long.

scientific name: Hystricidae, Erethizontidae
Why porcupines Are The Animals Like Chipmunks: There are actually a lot of similarities between chipmunks and porcupines despite their first differences.
Animals like Chipmunks and porcupines, both belonging to the Rodentia order, have powerful teeth that they can gnaw on. Unlike chipmunks, who dwell in burrows, porcupines are known to reside in complex underground tube networks. Unlike chipmunks, porcupines are herbivores, meaning they mostly consume plants. Notwithstanding these differences, there are certain parallels between porcupines and chipmunks since both are burrowing rodents with teeth that gnaw on items.
Animals like Chipmunks and many other animals are quite similar. The greatest resemblance between these creatures is that ground squirrels are a kind of chipmunk. Furthermore, most species that have resemblance to chipmunks originate from the Americas. But there are parallels seen all throughout the world.
Frequently Ask Question(FAQs):
What makes the animals like chipmunks difference from the red squirrels?
General, red squirrels are larger than chipmunks, and they are grazing animals that are mostly found in Canada and the Rocky Mountains. As omnivores, animals like chipmunks are smaller and can be found throughout Asia and North America.
How does a gopher and a chipmunk different from one another?
Animals like chipmunks and gophers differ mostly in appearance, mound construction, nutrition, activity levels, and temperament. Although it’s crucial to differentiate between the two, gophers and chipmunks are common yard pests for many households. These are typical garden pests that steal food and excavate tunnels. Structures such as patios, staircases, and house foundations might be compromised due to their mining.
Is it possible to keep chipmunks as pets?
You could keep a chipmunk as a pet. A baby chipmunk may grow up to be a pet if it grows up in a home. Animals like chipmunks is domesticated if it grows up in a home. Put another way, since it wasn’t grown in the wild, it couldn’t thrive there.
One thing to take into mind. A young chipmunk may carry a disease. Therefore, the best course of action for handling this small animal is to seek guidance from a veterinarian or wildlife expert.
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