Lions Eat Hyenas

Do Lions Eat Hyenas? Best explanation

The lesson we learned from Disney’s Lion King is that hyenas and lions are not the best of friends. In literature, these two apex predators are frequently portrayed as rivals. And they really are.

Hyenas and lions live in the same area and frequently face competition for resources. Although it is well known that both species kill other people’s young, do they also eat them?

Even though adult lions eat hyenas whenever they get the chance, lions do not typically consume them. Hyena cubs and weaker hyenas, like those who are elderly or sick, are more frequently killed by lions. Hyenas also murder frail adults and lion pups. Hyenas, however, typically also consume carrion and lion carcasses in addition to their prey.

Do Lions Eat Hyenas And Kill?

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Apex predators such as lions and hyenas share the same habitat. They are called “mortal enemies” since they are both carnivores with often opposing objectives.

However, rivalry for resources often leads to infanticide, or the death of one another’s offspring, rather than adults killing one another. This is due to the fact that, despite their smaller size, hyenas are actually stronger than lions.

To put things in perspective, the bite force quotient (BFQ) of lions is 112, whereas that of hyenas is 113. But hyenas are considerably smaller than lions. While lions frequently weigh more than 500 pounds, the former typically weigh about 190 pounds.

This leads to an actual biting force that is more in line with that of tigers and jaguars, around 650 PSI for lions and about 1,100 PSI for hyenas.

Yes, even with their weaker bite, lions have other advantages. Because of their huge size, they are faster, have a more potent blow, and are stronger physically. When a hyena and a lion battle, the lion will nearly always win.

Hyenas and lions both live in groups, but hyenas are far more vicious than lions. True battles between adult lions and hyenas are therefore uncommon but don’t lions eat hyenas.

It is known that the healthy adults of both species will pursue and kill the weak adults and cubs of the other species.

However, evidence suggests that after hyenas are killed, lions do not consume them. The only exceptions are weak lions who would consume a killed hyena to maintain vitality, and starving lions that would consume any available prey during times of scarcity.

Why Don’t Lions Eat Hyenas?

Although studies on the subject are lacking, it is likely that lions distaste the taste of hyenas and hence avoid eating them after killing them.

As top predators that coexist in the same area, lions and hyenas frequently face off in the hunt for food and other resources. So, it’s likely that most lions eat hyenas primarily to lower their population and increase their pride’s access to resources.

To protect their territory, especially the ladies, male lions may also kill hyenas but don’t lions eat hyenas. The reason for this is that, when left alone, hyenas frequently hunt smaller animals, such as lionesses.

With their tendency to hunt in clans, hyenas and lions alike, a lone lioness is easily taken down. But a group of hyenas can be quickly subdued by a male lion. Don’t Lions eat hyenas due to food preferences.

As carnivores, hyenas are not particular. They consume everything that is available, including other carnivores’ carcasses and carrion.

But like most cats, lions are fussy eaters and they’re large cats. When food is scarce, they typically consume ungulates and other herbivores; carnivore flesh is rarely served.

What Animals Do Lions Eat?

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Studies on the nutrition of wild lions have revealed a clear connection for particular food kinds.

Though it should come as no surprise that lions have particular tastes in food, few people are aware that their dietary habits are seasonal and probably depend on the availability of prey and migration routes.

Buffalos are preferred by both male and female lions in all seasons. For male lions, these ungulates make up roughly 56% of their prey, whereas for lionesses, it is roughly 33%.

The most common secondary prey in the early dry season are kudus and giraffes. In the late dry season, zebras and suids, such as warthogs, become the preferred food source.

Although they still prefer to target herbivores like elephants and small mammals like mice, lions nevertheless frequently engage in opportunistic hunting behavior.

It’s safe to believe that lions don’t just avoid eating hyenas, but also don’t graze on other carnivores because researchers saw no signs of carnivore meat in the lions’ diet.

Do Lions Eat Any Carnivores?

Lions typically not eat carnivores. However, under certain circumstances, they might consume carnivores like hyenas. The most frequent is famine; when food is scarce, lions will probably consume anything that is within reach.

Weak lions who successfully repel to kill and lions eat hyenas will probably eat it up as well. For older or wounded lions, feeding on their kill might be the difference between life and death.

Do Hyenas Eat Lions?

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Hyenas eat lions, yet they are not picky eaters like lions. But that doesn’t mean they have to kill the lion first—at least not always.

Hyenas are not just carnivores; they are also scavengers that have been observed robbing other animals of their prey after it has been killed. They also consume the carcasses of dead animals and the carrion left by other predators.

A tribe or even a lone hyena that comes across a lion’s carcass or carrion will probably eat it. If a tribe finds a dead body, they will probably eat everything on it, including the fur and bones. After killing lions, these predators consume their pups as well.

Of course, unless they are lion cubs, hyenas do not expressly hunt and consume lions.

Research show that hyenas consume anything that is flesh and organic, even decaying carcasses. Because of their hardiness, hyenas frequently consume items that other apex predators find repulsive.


Although rarely lions eat hyenas, they frequently kill the animals’ young and even their weaker adults. Lions generally dislike the taste of hyenas, which is the major reason they don’t eat them. Lions, being large felines, have a selective appetite and primarily consume ungulates and other herbivorous animals.

Hyenas also prey on lions, particularly weaker animals, lone females, and lion cubs. It is well known that these predators eat lions, whether they are dead themselves or they come across carcasses by accident.

Learn More About Lions:

  1. How Can Lions Jump High? best Comparisons (With Photos)
  2. Mountain Lion Population By State: 2024 Best Data 
  3. Lion Vs Tiger(12 Differences & Strength Facts)
  4. What Causes Lions Roar? 4 Best Reasons
  5. Why Lions Are King Of The Jungle? 7 Best Reasons.

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